Friday, December 16, 2011

All About Nothing... or is it?

Wow!  I really suck at this blog!  I guess I may consider myself lucky lately since I've not had an "Asshole of the Week" in some time.  And I am much more focused on my animal blog, which really is like my yoga, and I forget all the f**ktards I encounter in my travels.

How about those occasional movie reviews I've done in the past?  Well, I cannot really remember the last NEW movie I saw.  I think it may have been the final installment of the Harry Potter series...  which I give good praise to.  It was exciting and certainly made up for the pt 1 of the final chapter which I found to be very long and drawn out.

And with the closing of Blockbusters everywhere, I don't really go out and buy dvds these days.  I always enjoyed Blockbuster not for the rentals but picking up my "wants" when they became available for sale used.

Rogers Video still lingers around but none are that close and convenient for me.

So, what have I watched in the past month?

First off, Fred Claus.  Tis the season, right?  I don't mind Vince Vaughan's performances and Paul Giamatti is great overall in the movies I have seen of his.  Fred Claus is a fun Christmas flick, hitting the perfect hour and a half time span.  And I found that with this movie, I can now say I have one Sinead O'Conner song that I like, and I really like it.  She's does a great almost haunting version of "Silent Night".

From Fred Claus, I moved on to "Shoot 'Em Up".  A ridiculously fun ride with Clive Owen and once again Paul Giamatti.  It's overkill with crazy shooting, stunts and killing.  And gives me another reason to carry around carrot sticks...  not because they are full of goodness and are great for your eyes, not because of the occasional Deer encounters I have and feeding them, but man, they are a great weapon when some gangster is coming at you (if he doesn't shoot you first).

I revisited Mulletville.  A low budget fun film of an evening party with some red necks in a trailer park.  Silly stuff but anyone who grew up in the hair metal era might relate and say "hey, I think I was at that party, or one like it...  or knew a guy just like him, and him, or that one".

I acknowledged the loss of Bianca Butthole a decade ago with a viewing of the Betty Blowtorch documentary.  A hard rocking chick band that were very short lived.  Bianca seemed like a wonderful misfit who loved rock, animals and collecting lunch boxes.  Here's a snippit.

So, ya, not much else going on that I care to expose to the world here.  But if you want a bit more, you can always check out my animal blog...

I will try in the new year to be a tad more regular with this blog.  I do enjoy writing when I get the chance.

So please bear with me and see yas in the new year.  All the best through the holiday season!  It doesn't matter about how many people you spend the time with, it's the quality of the people you share the time with.
