The sign says it all... Toronto Roller Derby Finals this Saturday November 21, 2009 at The Hangar in Downsview Park. Doors open at 6:30pm and game is scheduled to start at 7:30pm. The start time may be off as last game I went to (and my first) did not begin until about 8:10pm. This is the last game until next season beginning in May 2010. The game goes about 2 hours.
A lot of fun for sure but some things to know... this game is almost sold out as of 5pm November 20th. There is no reserved seating. It's bleacher like benches, three tiers high about much of the large room. Many end up sitting on the floor or leaning against the walls. There is only one washroom and for us guys it's a breeze to get in and out of. Unfortunately for the ladies the line-up at intermission is loooooooooooooong. I'd advise drinking little prior to the game. Finding your way into the hangar parking is difficult... or it was for me. I used mapquest.ca and information is incorrect. The street it tells you to turn onto pretty much does not exist anymore (Canyon Road if my memory serves me correct). It is there but it is closed off now. There are some winding roads within Downsview Airport and some of which go a long way to nowhere... as in dead ends, fenced off areas, etc. Last time I got there shortly after 6pm and didn't actually park my car until 6:50pm. It was frustrating. Now with it being near the end of November, the sun is down early, there is little lighting on the grounds.
I've yet to see that Drew Barrymore movie "Whip It". I can see from the trailers that obviously there is more flash in the movie than what the reality is of the Toronto Roller Derby. No guard rails for one. Our track is pretty much like duct-taped. So when the girls wipe out they can get hurt a lot worse and possibly hurt spectators who try to sneak in for a closer viewing. The refs and workers do their best to keep people behind the lines, at a safe distance, from the track. The sound system within the hanger is poor too. Music can barely be heard and in some areas of seating people cannot make out the commentators. Still it's a great game. There is skill to it. I didn't completely figure out how the game played until the second round. I also didn't read my pamphlet until intermission either.
Hopefully in seasons to come, as this gains popularity, upgrades will be made. I like the rawness of our derby but some improvements would be nice.
They also sell some merchandise from the teams such as t-shirts, buttons and other little things. Cash only.
So, I just had to say... if you can make it out, and tickets are still available, come on and cheer for your favorite team. Don't worry, I am unfamiliar with both teams myself... just pick the one that appeals to you most and let them hear you roar!
The Smoke City Betties

The Gore Gore Rollergirls

Looking forward to it!
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